He is your help and shield
(Ps. 115:9-15)

While we live our lives, we encounter a lot of difficult moments. At those times, we can be encouraged by someone who is near us and helping us. As blessed children of God, we can gain victory despites of various hardships because God is with us to help us.

1. God who is our help and shield

It is only God, the Lord of hosts who can protect every single one of us, churches and Korea. Thanks to God's guidance and protection, Korea has become the 10th largest economic country in the world by overcoming a lot depressing periods such as 35-year of Japanese ruling and 6.25 Korean Civil War. God is the master of history. Therefore, we should love God (Ps. 18:1) and depend on God alone.(Ps. 115:9-11). To love God means we put our priorities and purposes of life into God. Furthermore, to depend on God means we put all our hopes to God. By fixing our eyes on to God who is our shield and protection, we should march forward with faith even when we meet persecutions and adversities.

2. God who blesses us
God, the origin of blessing, allows us to be blessed. (Ps. 115:12-13) God blessed Adam and Eve after he had created them. (Gen. 1:28) God also blessed the Israelites who escaped from Egypt(Num. 6:24-26). Finally, God allows us to be blessed physically, environmentally and spiritually through Jesus who was sacrificed on the cross on behalf of us.( 3Jn. 1:2) However, the blessing comes to those who obey God with fears. (Dt. 28:1-6) We should do what is good and do our earnest efforts whatever we do to give glory to God as children of God. (Ps. 37:3) We should share blessings of God with others who are underprivileged and poor.
3. God who is worthy to be praised

God is worthy of being praised because God is our help and shield. (Ps.115:18) Thanksgiving and praising is what mature Christians have to do. We should worship God with thanksgiving and praising at every moment. By doing so, we can be distinguished from others with obvious identity as children of God. Those who don't know God want to be paid in return for his favor and want to be lifted after great success. However, we should bear in mind that everything we have comes from the Lord. We should give thanks and praise God who gives us blessings and grace until our last breath stops.(Ps. 150:6)