What I have

The more we have, the more we want. We want to have many materials and to be highly lifted with having many friends. However, things in the world cannot give us real peace and satisfaction, no matter how much you have in the world.

1. Life of a traveler

We are living our lives as strangers. (Ps. 119:54) The world is like a station where we stay temporarily. Life is not easy. David was chased by Saul and wandered as a stranger, spending many years. Jesus had no places to lay his head. (Mt. 8:30). Therefore, Jesus knows how hard we feel as wanderers in the world. Jesus becomes our savior, leading us to a way, life and truth. (Jn. 14: 6) People who dwell in Jesus will have many meaningful fruits in the wanderer's life and give glory to God. (Jn. 15:5)

2. When the darkness of life comes
We face the dark nights of despair, sadness and agony while we wander the world. (Ps. 119:55) We have conflicts due to diseases, financial difficulties, retirement, risks in business and family conflicts. We tend to lose brave heart when there is no hope in the middle of dark night in our days and people whom we depend on turn away from us. (Ps. 41:7-9) Only Jesus can stop the dark night of our life. Jesus, our hope, takes our heavy burdens and gives us restoration, reconciliation and new day of forgiveness. (Mt. 11:28) The sincere cry out during the dark night of life becomes the bell sound to notice of time for prayers in the world.
3. What I have

What we have as wanderers of the world should be the words of Jesus. (Ps. 119:56) The things which belong to the world cannot make us satisfied. The things in the world are like fog which disappears soon because we are living in the world as wanderers shortly. (Jm. 4:13-14) Therefore, we should walk in the light of truth by holding Jesus tightly because we have obvious limits so that. (Ps. 119:105) At that time, we will not fall to sins and not wander the world. People who hold God with the word of God and prayer will be in peace and satisfied.