Jesus Christ, the Healer
(Jn. 21:2-11)

The core of Christianity is related to the cross of Jesus. Through the cross, the message of love and forgiveness is given to us. We are forgiven and get blessed by grace of the cross so that we should practice love of Jesus and forgiveness of Jesus and live for the Gospel of Jesus.

1. Wounded life

Peter was the best disciple who had worked with Jesus for three and a half years. However, when Jesus was caught, Peter betrayed Jesus. (Mt. 26:73-74) Behind what he had confessed greatly and decided firmly not to leave Jesus, he betrayed Jesus to save his life. And all this became his wounds of his heart and he felt guilty and wept loudly. (Mt. 26:75) We are similar to Peter. We make friends for our interest and regard the friends as our enemies when we don't see any value or profits in them. To avoid disadvantage of reality, we deny Jesus who was sacrificed for us. If we are away from Jesus, we have a wounded life because we failed to keep our faith.

2. Jesus who came to see Peter, a betrayer

Peter returned to Galilee with his wound of having betrayed Jesus. (Jn. 21:3) It was the Galilee where he had been given vision of saving people that he turned into frustrating place of reality and he turned into a man with depression. (Jn. 21:5) He cast net for all night but he didn't catch any fish. (Jn. 21:5) Therefore, what returns to those who turned away from Jesus is the empty net of an empty boat. However, Jesus came to Peter and allowed him to catch a lot of fish which couldn't be in the net. (Jn. 21:4-6) Jesus comes to those who were once away Jesus so that they will not live aimlessly with empty hands. Jesus leads us to live with aim and purpose of life so that we have a blessed life.

3. Jesus who heals us

Jesus was with his disciples with providing fish basked by prepared charcoal and cake with them.(Jn. 21:7-9) After the meal, Jesus asked Peter if he loved Jesus for three times. At that time, Peter said he loved Jesus and that Jesus knew how much he loved Jesus. (Jn. 21:15-17) This symbolizes perfect forgiveness against Peter's betrayal and complete process of healing. Also, Jesus reminded Peter of what his mission was. We are the ones who experience this amazing love and forgiveness. We should practice the love and forgiveness that we've received and be united in God, living with faith to spread gospel all over the world.