You will come to life
(Eze 37:1-3, 7-10)

Vision of the valley of the dry bones witnessed by Ezekiel is written at the chapter 37 of Ezekiel. We see that God saved and blessed sinners through the work done at the valley of dried-up bones, and enable them to become the soldiers of the gospel. Therefore, we can make sure that God is working for us.

1. A situation of the valley of dried-up bones

God brought Ezekiel out by the Spirit of the LORD and set him in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. These dry bones represent the Israelites who were punished due to idolatry and were captured by Babylon to become their slaves. It also symbolizes the situation of people who run away from God. There are so many people who are spiritually dead in the world, living hopelessly without dream. We should see the ones like dried-up bones in their spirit, living in the world full of sins. Those people, the slaves of sin, are addicted to various sins to fill their spiritual thirst. What is needed to them is salvation given by God through Jesus. (Jn. 14:6)

2. The power of the word of God
God asked Ezekiel to preach in front of the dead. (Ezek. 37:4) God gives us his messages to bless us. There are the way of life, blessing and victory in the word of God. Therefore, the word of God is needed to those who have stone-like mind with negative attitudes, those who have sick body losing hope to recovery for life and communities where the broken relationships caused by sins dominate. Material things, power and fame cannot heal humans stained by sins and we cannot get life no matter how much we own them. Only word of God which makes the dead alive and creates something from nothing will bring about miracles in our lives. (Ezek. 37:5-7)
3. The work of the Holy Spirit

The bones became humans in their shapes but had no breath in them. (Ezek. 37:8) At that time, God asked to deliver this message, "This is what the Sovereign LORD says: Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe into these slain, that they may live." When the word of God was proclaimed, breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet--a vast army. (Ezek. 37:9-10) This is the reason why we need the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Even Jesus’ disciples became the brave preachers after they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts. 2:2-4) We should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit after we gain new life through Jesus to fight against the evil and forming the vest army of God.