The Blessing of Abraham
(Gal. 3:13-14)

We should live as children of God in the world and carry out the mission given to us by God with having clear identity. We are given blessing of Abraham through believing Jesus.

1. Jesus being cursed for us

Because Jesus was on the cross, was cursed instead of us and was dead on the cross, our sins are forgiven. Our sins and curses are cleared by the cross of Jesus. (Gal. 3:13) When we believe this, we can get out of the frustrating image of sinners so that we are reborn as a new creature in Jesus. (2Cor. 5:17) Therefore, we should not live be burdened with yoke of slavery again because we are renewed in Jesus. (Gal. 5:1) We should live our life fixing our eyes on the blessed life just like Abraham. If we are sticking to the past not throwing away the old identity, we will wander in the barren desert-like world.

2. The blessing of Abraham given to us
The reason why Jesus forgave us through his cross is to give us the blessing of Abraham. (Gal. 3:14a) The blessing of Abraham means that we are chosen by absolute decision of God and led by God to live in the blessing of God. (Gen. 12:2-3) It was a miracle that Abraham was chosen by God to become the ancestor of faith, even though he was born in a family which had worshipped idols. We are given the blessing to live with the grace of God because we are saved by believing Jesus. We didn't have any conditions to be chosen, saved and blessed by God. However, the only faith to believe Jesus allows us to become blessed children of God. Therefore, we may enjoy good health and all may go well with us as well as our soul is getting along well. (3Jn. 1:2)
3. The promise of The Spirit

Another reason for Jesus to redeem us from our sins and curses is to give us the promise of the Holy Spirit. (Gal. 3:14b) The blessing during the Old Testament period was related to material things. On the contrary, it has been related to spiritual blessing beyond the material life during the New Testament period. Namely, the biggest blessing is the promise of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, fullness of the Holy Spirit is the biggest blessing and is equal to the blessing of Abraham. When we are filled with fullness of the Holy Spirit, we overcome sins, temptation and test (Rom. 8:1-2) not losing faith in God despite various difficulties (Rom. 8:16). Also, we can live as children of God and powerful witness of the gospel by bearing fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Acts.1:8)