Light of healing will rise
(Mal. 4:2-3)

Despite advanced medical technology, many people still have suffered from emotional and physical diseases. The one who can give us perfect healing and recovery from diseases is God, our creator of the universe.

1. Revere God

Those who revere the name of God will be blessed abundantly. (Mal. 4:2a) Therefore, life of respecting God is filled with peace, blessing and prosperity. (Prov. 19:23) The life of respecting God starts from repenting our sins and returning to God. The only way for us to return to God is through Jesus Christ. When we believe in Jesus, we receive salvation as a gift. (Jn. 3:16) We who receive the grace of salvation should live to return the favor. By doing so, we should be transformed. We should live as children of God who are different from the old ones who didn't believe Jesus and live without God. We should serve God and live to show the glory of God in every aspect of our life. (Isa. 43:7)

2. Jesus Christ who is the Sun of righteousness,
Jesus becomes the sun of righteousness. (Mal. 4:2b) Jesus has nothing to do with sins, lies and injustice. Jesus can be the only savior and reveals our sins, lies and injustices. Therefore, Jesus becomes the sun of righteousness to shine the light of truth. (Jn. 8:32) As this light of truth shines our mind and life, we will be peaceful and not wander around the world. We should march forward with this light of truth. By shining the light of truth toward the world filled with sins, lies and injustices, justice rolls on like a river, righteousness overflows like a never-failing stream.
3. Jesus who is the healer

When we honor God and follow Jesus, who becomes the sun of righteousness, we are healed by God. (Mal. 4:2c) God sent Jesus as our healer. (Isa. 53:5) Jesus spent two thirds healing people out of his life for the public and still gives us the same blessing of healing. Therefore, we should come before Jesus with strong faith to be healed no matter what kind diseases we may have. Jesus heals emotional diseases, mental diseases and physical diseases. Only Jesus will heal us perfectly and give us recovery. Also, we should win against darkness with being accompanied by Jesus after we experience the blessing of being healed. (Mal. 4:3)