Behold, the New has Come!
(2Co. 5:17)

Some Christians stick to the past wounds not forgetting them. Others cannot throw away the bad habits of the old person including attitude, lifestyle and way of solving problems. That's why we need the confession of the greatest blessing written in 2Co. chapter 1 verse 17.

1. Life that has become a new creation

Once we believe in Jesus, our identity has changed. (2Co.5:17) Our old person is dead and alive with Jesus Christ. The biggest blessing of this change results in reconciliation with God. We are blessed children of God. Therefore, we should live with the proper identity as children of God. We are dispatched Christian ambassadors to this world. We should work with God to share the blessing of God. (2Co. 6:1) We should help the world with love, forgiveness, understanding and sacrifice and live as the witness of Jesus Christ. Also, we should make people reconciled as the little Jesus. (2Co. 5:18)

2. The overpassed past
Our old person has gone. (2Co. 5:17b) Not only has the past wounds gone, but also the image of the old person has gone, too. However, many Christians live with the bitter memories and sinful habits sticking to the wrong way of lifestyle. Then, we fall into the conflicts (Rom. 7:22-24) and we complain just like Israel people did when they passed the desert. (Num. 11:5-6) To get rid of this, we need the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Once the fire of the Holy Spirit comes on us, it inflames the sinful habits and makes us free from the bitter memories of the past. As a result, Stubbornness, arrogance, disobedience and greed in honor, power and money will be collapsed.
3. The future prepared for us

Everything of us has renewed. (2Co. 5:17c) Especially, we have the new future. The new future has been prepared in the love and grace of God. However, it will not be just come true. We should contain new things because we are renewed. (Matt. 9:17) We should have absolute faith in Jesus who is our savior. When we live with faith, our prepared future will become our reality. Therefore, we should check to see if we are living faithfully or not. We should march with faith. Then, we can experience the miracle of God and live as glorious servants of God by creating new history.