Grace of a Well-watered Garden
(Jer. 31:10-14)

What we have during our life time is coming from the grace of God. God always has been giving us the greatest things and leading us to abundant life because God is so good. Therefore, we have been living in the grace of God.

1. God who watches over us

God has protected his chosen people at the end. The Southern Judea people had to be captured and sent to Babylon because they had been judged because of idolatry. Also the Northern Israel people with the same sin had been perished because of Assyria. However, God loved both of them just like a shepherd keeps his herd of sheep at the end.(Jer. 31:10) Likewise, this love is shown to us when we have wandered in the world like sheep without a shepherd. Jesus came to us as a good shepherd, giving us abundant life. (Jn. 10:10-11)

2. God who saves us
God has given salvation to his chosen people. Just like God saved Israel people out of Egyptians' oppression, God wanted to save them out of Babylon which was the most powerful country at that time. (Jer. 31:11) Similarly, God saves us out of extremely depressing situations and the hands of our enemies who are never seemed to be beaten. Just like God made Joseph's dream come true despite series of hardships and saved Daniel who were falsely accused and thrown to the den of lions and changed his difficulties, God will change our problems into blessings; despair into hope. God has been helping those who look forward to God in any hard situations and adversities with expectation on God.
3. God who blesses us

God allows his chosen to be blessed. God saved Israel people out of the lives as slaves and wanted to give them abundant food and materials in their lives.( Jer. 31:12) However, his blessing had already been promised before they entered Canaan. (Deut. 7:13) However, they lost his blessing because of idolatry. Namely, this blessing was allowed to those who loves God and keeps the law of God. When we want our life to be peaceful and successful, we should remember this. God gave his blessing for those who love God, made their ways successful, allowed for them to have peaceful mind like a well-watered Garden.