Fix your thoughts on Jesus
(Heb. 3:1-3)

Human beings are the ones able to think, whose thoughts form who they are. Good thoughts make good people, while bad thoughts make bad people. However, the problem is on the fact that people want to be the center of their thoughts. We should live a life to pleased God.

1. Who are we?

We are holy brothers called by God. (Heb. 3:1a) Not only me but also many people are called by God. Also, we were chosen and called for a long time ago as holy ones. Therefore, we should be peaceful with each other and live holy lives. We should be dedicated to forming harmonious community with in the Holy Spirit and we resemble Jesus by acting, speaking and throwing away sins. Also, we should remember the grace of God, give glory to God and become proper servants of God to fit the call of God.

2. Who is Jesus?

Jesus becomes the highest priest and the apostle whom we confess. (Heb. 3:1b) Jesus was sent to us to save us by God and was willingly to become the offering to save us. Namely, Jesus becomes our savior and intercessor. Therefore, we should continue doing what Jesus did such as teaching gospel, spreading gospel and healing the sick. (Matt. 4:23) We should seek for the holy of Jesus who knows our weakness by depending on Jesus. (Heb. 4:15) Also, we should become faithful servant of God Jesus just like the fact that Jesus didn't save his life to give glory to God by achieving the will of God.

3. Our lives

We should focus on the life of Jesus. While we live, we should think Jesus deeply. (Heb. 3:1b). In other words, we should fix our thoughts on Jesus and think deeply on the humble and gentle personality of Jesus as well as his love shown on the cross. Getting rid of greed and selfishness, we should be renewed by being centered on Jesus. (Col. 3:10) By thinking on Jesus deeply, we should have deeper love toward Jesus and be filled with thankfulness. We should become experience the grace of Jesus. We should deny ourselves and follow the way of Jesus by taking up our cross as the small Jesus, keeping faith in Jesus at the end so that we become faithful servant of God.