Let Us Fix Our Eyes on Jesus
(Heb. 12:1-2)

Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas. During this period, meditating Jesus who came to the Earth giving up the glory of heaven, we should decide to fix our eyes onto Jesus despites all circumstances.

1. What we have to throw off

Life of faith is compared to race in the field. We are racing at the field with the cheers of our predecessors. To have good records racers wear simple clothes. Likewise, we should put down heavy and unnecessary things. (Heb. 12:1) We should lay down habits of making sins and negative thoughts which hinder the relationship with God. Once we believe in Jesus, the fight between the old one and the renewed one starts inside our heart. (Rom. 7:23-24) The old one doesn't disappear all of at once. Therefore, we should walk with Jesus and be filled with Holy Spirit to win over this battle.

2. Running with perseverance

When athletes are running at the long race, they don't give up despite running breath. We should keep running with our faith, even though we meet hardships and difficulties. No cross, no crown. We can be transformed as what God wants us to be through adversities and hardships. (Rom. 5:3-4) Therefore, whatever hardships we meet, we should keep racing with perseverance. When Jesus lowered himself and obeyed God to bear the cross, God lifted Jesus. (Phil. 2:9-10) Being patient with perseverance, we are allowed to be greatly blessed by God. Those who endure at the end eventually will receive heavenly crown.

3. Faith looking at Jesus alone

When a runner cannot reach a finish line, all his efforts are in vain. The finish line for us to reach is Jesus. We should look at Jesus and run toward Jesus with faith. (Heb. 12:2) Looking at Jesus, we can be freed from complaints and filled with comfort coming from Jesus. When we look at Jesus, who is greater than hardships and temptation of the world, we can be empowered to win over the world. The goal of our life is to give glory to God. (Isa. 43:7) Therefore, we should look at Jesus only, resemble Jesus and spread the name of Jesus all over the world. We should not forget the first love with Jesus and walk with Jesus at the end of the world to win the prize of heaven.