One who brings Good News
(Isa 40:9-11)

The news from the world brings us anxiety. Some of them are shocking and more negative than reality. Whatever they are, they are disappointing. However, we should spread good news of joy, healing and the new life over the world full of frustration

1. Bring good news

Our mission is to spread good news to the world. (Isa. 40:9) People hear the negative and destructive news without screening them and spread them again. However, we should give light of hope over the world full of darkness by spreading good news of happiness and hope. The happiest news that we should deliver is the gospel of Jesus because it is power of God to give salvation for those who believe in Jesus. Spreading gospel is our mission as we experience the love of Jesus. Therefore, we should learn from overseas missionaries who are contributed to spreading gospel all over the world with their tears and hardworking.

2. Our Lord reigns over us

When Israel people were freed from Babylon, God promised to become their strength and power. Also, God promised to be their judge to give award and judgment. (Isa. 40:10) When we are captives of sins, curses and death, Jesus comes for us and allows us to be under the wings of God. Those who serve for Jesus with their sincerity and happiness will be awarded, while those who disobey and live in the sins will be punished. Therefore, we should look for the will of Jesus and obey Jesus, winning over the evil with good.

3. Our Lord takes care of us

God promised Israel people to be their shepherd. (Isa 40:11) Jesus becomes our shepherd and we are his sheep. (Ps. 23:1) Jesus embraces us and takes care of us, leading us to the best ways and allowing abundant graces. We know that sheep cannot live without their shepherd. Likewise, we are nothing without Jesus. Only fails and agony come when we don't accept Jesus as our master of life. We are pressed by heavy burdens, living in the world of disappointment. Therefore, we should come before Jesus who calls our names so that we may live with victory and healing.