What Jesus has done
(Isa 11:1-9)

The most wonderful miracle in the world is the fact that Jesus came on Earth as human to save us who has to be dead. Today's scripture reading is Isaiah, who had been lived 700 year before Jesus came, had prophesied what Jesus would do for us.

1. Jesus who are with the Holy Spirit

Jesus, descendant of David, came to us as messiah and lived with the Holy Spirit during his life. (Isa. 11:11-2) Jesus had live with the Holy Spirit during his life for the public. To live as witness of Jesus who gains the victory, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8) We are able to know about God through the Holy Spirit and live with the will of God. Holy Spirit comforts, heals and empowers us. When we receive wisdom from the Holy Spirit, we are completely able to understand the will of God, worshipping God to please him.

2. Jesus who reveres God

We should fear and honor God. That means we should serve God with fear. Jesus served God putting his own will down. Jesus came to us and was sacrificed on the cross to achieve the will of God. (John 17:4) Likewise, we should have fear to serve God. When we seek for the will of God, God will take care of our life. (Matt. 6:33)

3. Jesus who judges with righteousness and honesty

Jesus judges with justice and fairness. The standard of justice lies in the will of God. Therefore, we should live to please God. To do this, we should be led by the Holy Spirit. (Rom 8:6-9) To live righteously, we should be honest and conscientious before God. We should resemble Jesus who showed the example of humility and sacrifice to be acknowledged by God.

4. Jesus who brings the kingdom of God to us

Jesus came here as the king of peace. Our life is filled with ceaseless conflicts and tensions which can be solved by Jesus. When holding the cross, we are free from sins, conflicts and diseases which drive us to be uneasy and worried so that we are liberated to enjoy perfect freedom. (Isa. 53:5) Jesus, King of peace calls us to spread peace. Therefore, we should spread Jesus, the king of Peace to individuals, churches, families and the world by being filled with the power and the fullness of the Holy Spirit.