The March of Great Faith
(Josh. 1:1-4)

Our life should be filled with faith. God works with the man of faith and blessed the faithful people. The year 2016 is the promised land so that we should conquer it with march of faith.

1. Faith not being bound by the past

God chose Joshua as the leader of Israel after Moses died who had lead Israel people for 40 years. The death of Moses was great shock and sadness to Israel people because they totally depended on Moses. Time with him and the death of Moses were obvious past to them. To us, we had past of happiness, joy, success and failure. However, we are renewed in Jesus. (2 Co. 5:17) There are no reasons for us to be bound to the past. We should not be intoxicated by the past glory and not complain of past sorrow. Not looking back on the past, we should depend on unfailing love of Jesus to gain victory.

2. Faith standing with dreams and hope

God asked the Israel people to rise up with hope and dream in the place where they felt sad and frustrated. (Josh. 1:2) People who were used by God gained victory whatever they faced. They encouraged other people with positive and creative words because the vision of God is to enlarge the kingdom of God, saving many souls and lifting them. On the contrary, we do destructive things if we are not captivated the vision of God because we are to be bound to the past bitterness, wounds, frustration so that we use negative and destructive words. However hard we may feel because of difficulties, we should fill our heart with hope and dream of God to give bright light to the world of darkness.

3. Faith going forward by faith

God asked Joshua to lead Israel people to get to the promised land. (Josh. 1:2) This new year 2016 is the promised land. We should conquer it with faith. However difficult the reality may be, we should have faith and bravely march forward. God allows us to have the land where we step. (Josh. 1:3-4) God is looking for faith people and we can make God pleased and satisfied when we are filled with faith. We should drive away anxiety, worry, sadness, agony, poverty, disease and trouble and conquer the promised land with faith.