Look North and South, East and West
(Gen. 13:14-18)

While we are living, the secret of receiving God's blessing is to trust and rely on God. We should live in faith, holding the promise of God as children of God, disciples of Jesus and Christians.

1. Family conflict

A quarreling arose between Abram's herdsmen and the herdsmen of Lot because the land couldn't support them. (Gen. 13:6-7) The problems of life are mostly in the human relationships. Conflicts with others are hard to endure. Abraham resolved the conflicts by giving the choice of land to Lot. (Gen. 13:8-9) Sometimes, we feel that giving away is minus. However, as children of God, we should give away for the benefit of unity. The real disciples of Jesus can end conflicts and splits with love, sacrifice, service and sharing. God will give blessing for those who are devoted to peace.

2. The Lord's promise

After Abraham gave away his right to choose land to Lot, God gave Abraham the promise. (Gen. 13:14-16) Abraham's giving away was the choice of faith going beyond generosity and he was acknowledged by God. So he was blessed. God gave his word of promise to his children. Jacob, who had to leave because of conflicts caused by the birthright, received the message of God in the desert. (Gen. 28:13-16) Jacob lived with the promise. Therefore, the word of God becomes our hope and vision, so God will give blessings for those who keep the word of God.

3. Look from the eyes of faith

When Abraham had parted from Lot, Lot chose Sodom and Gomorrah. Not all glitters become gold. To Lot, the land seemed to be full of wealth but it was filled with sins against God. (Gen. 13:10-13) God was with Abraham in the Canaan, the land that God promised. God more evidently showed him the blessings that he would receive. God promised the land to Abraham God would give to him and his offspring forever. (Gen. 13:15-17) Therefore, Abraham walked throw and decide to live at Hebron, where he built an altar to the Lord. (Gen. 13:18) God will give blessing for those who fix their eyes on God to live with faith, worshipping God.