What is faith like?
(Heb. 11:1-6)

The key to victorious life in God is to have absolutely positive faith in Jesus. Faith is necessary for us to live a life filled with the word of God and the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and to win over any hardships. Today's scripture reading teaches us what the important faith is.

1. To believe that what we hope comes true
Faith is to believe that what we expect is to have come true. Faithful people don't depend on what they can see visibly. Rather, they depend on the promise of God. When we become the man of faith, we can live in the present with vision of God. Looking at vision with faith, we can overcome difficulties ahead of us. For example, Joseph believed the dream given by God. Even he was sold as a slave and falsely accused only to be in the prison, he didn't give up by putting his hope into the dream of God. Finally, God achieved his dream miraculously and carried out his salvation through Joseph.

2. To hold on to the power of God's word
God created all the things in the universe with his words. Therefore, amazing history will be done by the words of God. Likewise, our faith is working through the message of God. So we have to be filled with the words of God all the times. When we live with the words of God and meditated them, we can experience wonderful blessings from God. We should depend on God when we face difficulties. Then, God will be with us and protect our lives.

3. To believe the power of the precious blood of Jesus
Abel with faith worshipped God better than Cain. The worship performed by Abel was based on blood of a sacrificial offering. During the Old Testament period, animals' blood was required to be forgiven, which represents the blood of Jesus. Now, we should depend on the power in the blood of Jesus. The power of blood of Jesus wins over evil spirits. When we believe in the power in the blood of Jesus, we are healed, forgiven and rich.

4. Faith is to please God
Enoch acknowledged as a man pleasing God was accompanied by God during his life times. He didn't face death and was ascended to heaven. We should live with God to please God. God whom we believe is so good. When we live a life to please God by fulfilling the will of God, God will reward us with blessings as surprising prize.