I will not be shaken
(Ps. 21:1-7)

When we live with faith, we will have doubt and distrust by facing various hardships. However, we should keep our faith with standing on firmly on the words of God by praying hard. Real faith belongs to those who will have unshaken faith despite of challenges and adversity in life.

1. Joy given by the Lord

The secret to victoriously faithful life is in giving thanks and being joyful. Real happiness is originated when we experience the salvation of God. For example, David, who experienced the helping hands of God each time he was in trouble, praised God during his life times. Knowledge in God makes us fall when we face difficulties. Therefore, we should walk with God all the times so that we can experience the power of God. Paul also asked Philippians people to be joyful when he was in prison because he was always giving thanks to God regardless of his circumstances. Once we are deeply rooted in God, we can bear many fruits in any situations thereby giving glory to God.

2. God who listens to our prayers

Prayer is spiritual breath and communication with God. Our good God listens to our prayer all the time. According to Jeremiah chapter 3 verse 3, it says, “Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.” When we pray hard according to God's will, God will answer us surely. Hannah, the mother of a great prophet Samuel, suffered from not having a baby once. Praying hard, she got answer through the great priest, Elle. She believed what Elle had delivered and put down all of her worries. Through her faith, she gave birth to Samuel and three more sons and two daughters. Likewise, we should prayer hard before God.

3. Faith not be shaken

Everything in this world is not forever. However, those who depend on God will never be shaken by problems and difficulties in the world. Our God whom we depend on is almighty God. God is only one and omnipotent. Things that we depend on but for God are useless idols in vain. Our God is merciful and generous enough to give and sacrifice his own son to save us. Therefore, we should put God in the center of our life. When we have God-oriented faith, we can live as a powerful Christians who will never be shaken.