You worm, Jacob
(Isa 41:14-16)

No one is perfect in the world. So we are easily disappointed in each other. Even the relationship between parents and children shares conflicts and hatred. Therefore, our relationship with the Lord is the most important. We should put priority into the relationship with God.

1. Our self-portrait

Living in the world, we meet extremely harsh troubles. When facing great troubles not to escape from, even a faithful man will have broken heart and shape negative self-image. Then, the person cannot make a healthy relationship with others and give bad effects to the family members and neighbors. The broken self- image will never be restored by money, popularity and social success. We can have renewed image only in Jesus. Once we believe Jesus who was dead and rose again for us, we can become precious children of God, even though we had to be dead. We can experience miracles in life with positive self-portrait in Jesus.

2. Help given by the Lord

The Lord wants us not to be terrified, even though we are put into desperate moments. Being scared is caused by small faith rather than problems being bigger. Hold faith strongly when we have difficult moments. With the absolutely positive faith in Jesus who can protect us and help us, our troubles turn into blessings, sadness into Joy. God is our savior based on unbroken promise. God, who sacrificed his only Son, Jesus for us, helps us with his amazing love. Therefore, be brave with Jesus.

3. God who motivates us to be changed

God wants us to be used as the tool of God that changes the world. We are no more powerless in the world. We are changed children of God in Jesus. God gave us power to go through adversity and difficulties. Just like David, a young boy who beat Goliath, we experience miraculous victory once we hold the power of God. Overcome negative thoughts and habit hindering us from living a new life with the power of God. Victory belongs to God. Live with the joy of victory driven by God.