God who formed me
(Isa 49:5-6)

People in the world are attacked by difficult problems and sinful temptations. To win over the world, we need the help of God. Therefore, we should live with the will of God and meet God who helps us.

1. God who shaped me

God created us with his clear plans and goals. The purpose of our life is to give glory to God. The life giving glory to God is that of servants of God. We should seek for the will of our master, not seeking the glory of ourselves. We should give glory to God with the grace and power of God because we are called the servants of God. What we have achieved and enjoy is thanks to God. Therefore, we should not be worried by the current problems because we are living with the power of God. Don't look at the weaknesses of the old one. Rather, take hold of the cross. Give glory to God with your transformed image.

2. God who is my strength

When we come to God with thanksgiving and obedience, God lifts us and gives us amazing power and wisdom. We are sometimes disappointed because we don't follow the will of God. However, God never regret in calling us. God has amazing power to achieve his will through our weaknesses. What we need is to hold on to God. We are the masterpieces which God has formed according to His image, so we can be used precious ones to control and administer the things in the world. We are possessed by God. Don't listen to the empty words of the world but obey God to achieve your mission endowed by God.

3. God who chooses me to work

The reason why God has chosen us and given us his power is to endow holy missions. We should help the frustrated and let them return to God. We should help lonely people in the society. Also, we should evangelize the world by becoming the salt and light of the world. We can do this where we belong. We should shine lights with gospel where we stand. Become the children of light and be righteous and honest. God will give heavenly awards to those who are not afraid of the world, doing the best effort to achieve the mission from God.