The eyes of God, the eyes of human
(Num. 14:6-10)

There are two ways to see the world. One is to see the world with the eyes of human and the other is to see the world with the views of God. We only see failures and frustration in the problems with human eyes but we find the blessings from the view of God.

1. A human point of view

Israel had to choose 12 spies before they entered to the Canaan. However, the spies but for Joshua and Caleb, reported negatively saying the city was strong and people of there were so giant. Israel people had escaped out of Egypt with the power of God and experienced amazing miracles of God when they were in desert for two years. However, they complained because they saw their surroundings with their human eyes. Our eyes are used to seeing something negative. Without faith in God, we are led by the negative and destructive thoughts with our human eyes.

2. The sight of God

Unlike 10 spies with human eyes, Joshua and Caleb had the view of God. They were like weak grasshoppers with human eyes but they were food with the eyes of God. Faithful people find the blessing in the suffering with the views of God. With faith in God, we see the miracle in our life. Job lost his property and lost all his children. But he kept his faith in God in the adversity not knowing the exact reasons. Then, God saw his faith and blessed him.

3. The Glory of God

God wants to receive glory all the times. Israel people couldn't enter Canaan for 40 years because of complains. However, Joshua and Caleb who were positive were allowed to enter Canaan, the blessed land. Be brave whatever you meet. Hardships for the glory of God are rewarded. Therefore, we should do our best efforts to give the glory to God. We should become the light to serve people in the world and God receives glory and blesses us.