The Passover Lamb
(Exod. 12:5-11)

The news from the world is depressing. However, we can talk about hope by looking at Jesus. The Passover was the hopeful day to Israelites because they were free from 430-year slavery under Egypt.

1. Jesus Christ as a sacrifice offering

God gave 10 disasters to Egypt in order to save Israel people. Actually the 10th disaster was to kill the first born Egyptian children and animals. For escaping from the death, God ordered Israel people to paint the blood on the sides and tops of the doorframe of the houses. The lamb symbolizes Jesus sacrificed on the cross. Jesus was sacrificed to save us just like the lamb was dead instead of Israel people. We cannot save ourselves because we are sinner. Jesus is the only savior. Therefore, we should live with Jesus to have real satisfaction and peace.

2. The precious blood of Jesus Christ

The ritual service during the Old Testament period was related to blood. To forgive sins, God asked for shedding blood of animals. Since Adam and Eve, a lot of animals shed their blood instead of human beings. On the night when the death came over to Egypt, countless young lambs had to be killed to shed their blood instead of ours. This blood symbolizes the blood of Jesus. The service of blood during the Old Testament was temporary and imperfect while the service of Jesus was eternal. The power of Jesus blood overcomes sins, death and curses. When we live with being armed with the precious blood of Jesus, we can overcome the curses of death and problems and live a blessed life.

3. Jesus Christ as the word of God

After they painted the blood over the sides and tops of the door frames, they were to eat the meat roasted over the fire. This meat can be compared to Jesus, the word of God. When we read and meditate the word of God, we can be united with Jesus. Therefore, we should read the word of God because it is our spiritual food. Also, we should read with being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The bread without yeast represents purity far away from sins and the bitter herbs symbolize sufferings. We should live a holy life distinguished from the world full of sins and live giving thanks to God even in sufferings, thinking the grace of salvation through Jesus.