The firstfruit of Resurrection
(1Co. 15:20-22)

Jesus was resurrected breaking the power of sins and death. Those who believe in the resurrection of Jesus will receive the grace of Jesus' resurrection. Anyone who believes in Jesus will not be led by sins and death any more. Instead, they enjoy the happiness of eternity because they become the children of God.

1. The firstfruits of the wheat harvest in the Old Testament

Feast of firstfrutis in the Old Testament symbolizes the resurrection of Jesus. It was originated in the event that Israel people were saved when the death came to the first born children and lives in Egypt. So Israel people offered the first crops to give thanks to God as thanksgiving offering. Offering their first produced things was related to accept all comes from the Lord. Jesus becomes the firstfruit of resurrection for us. As Jesus was dead and rose again, people in Jesus belong to God and becomes the children of God, so that they enjoyed the happiness of resurrection. Therefore, we should remember the amazing grace of resurrection and give thanksgiving offering to God.

2. The resurrection of Jesus

As Jesus had told, Jesus was raised from death on the third day and the tomb was empty. Resurrected Jesus was shown to Maria and spent 40 days in the world to notice his resurrection and went to the mountain to ascend to heaven when the disciples witnessed. Jesus, who is not seated in the right side of God, will come again unexpectedly to us. Therefore, we should prepare to meet Jesus again by doing our best efforts to do our mission assigned by Jesus so that we will be complemented by Jesus as faithful servants of God.

3. Our resurrection

We feel sad and sorry when our beloved family members go dead. However, Christians will meet them again in heaven. When Jesus comes again, the dead body will be transformed and born again. Therefore, we should not be fearful for death any more. Jesus overcame the power of death, giving us happiness of resurrection as a gift. Once we hold Jesus, we will gain victory. Now, we should be dedicated to doing the various missions that God asks us to do by holding Jesus tightly. Remembering the amazing grace of God, we should do everything for the glory of God.