Jesus walking along with us in our life's journey
(Lk 24:13-17, 28-31)

People in the world live lonely as strangers in the world. However, Jesus is not away from us, walking with us. Even though people are away from us, Jesus is never away from us.

1. Two disciples on the way to Emmaus

Being depressed, Jesus' disciples were on the way to Emmaus after the death of Jesus on the cross. They didn't believe in resurrection of Jesus and climbed down of their life. Sometimes, we are down and depressed while living in the world. However, Jesus never abandons us and makes us rise up again. It is the moment when we meet Jesus that we are in the troubles. The darker the night is, the closer the dawn is. Likewise, when we are in deep frustration, we are closer to the time when Jesus gives grace and salvation for us. When we look at Jesus, Jesus will meet us and walk with us.

2. Jesus walking along with us

Jesus walked with the two travelers going to Emmaus. Likewise Jesus is never away from us. Jesus washed the feet of disciples on the night before he lifted the cross. Jesus even knew that Judah would sell him for 30 silver coins and the disciples were away denying Jesus. However, Jesus washed the feet of Jesus with love. Likewise, Jesus knows our weakness but washes our dirty feet not being away from us. Jesus sends the Holy Spirit to us to be with us. When we depend on the Holy Spirit who is taking care of us and protecting us, we will enjoy real peace and rest.

3. Jesus who gives us new strength

The two disciples going to the Emmaus didn't realize Jesus even they were with him. They were blinded with despondency and frustration. Jesus gave them loaves of bread for them to recover physically. Also Jesus gave them the Holy Spirit so that they could open the spiritual eyes. Jesus gave them mercy and provided them with what they needed. Experience the grace of Jesus washing our tears away. Don't go down in your life. With the fullness of the Holy Spirit, live as witness of Jesus, who is love.