Death and Life
(John 11:25-27)

Jesus saved already dead people three times during his public life on the earth. Jesus is the master of death and life. Remembering the miracles of Jesus related to the events that Israel people had experienced during exodus out of Egypt, we realize maturity of our faith.

1. A young girl’s death

A Man named Jairus, a ruler of the synagogue, asked Jesus to heal his daughter. On the way to get to his home, Jesus was told that the girl had already been dead. People thought hope was gone but Jesus asked him to believe without fear. When he went to his house with strong faith, he experienced that his daughter was alive. We don't have to feel afraid of death. Once we believe in Jesus, we are saved from death. The Israel people under the oppression of Egypt were saved the blood of young lamb of Passover. Once we believe the power of the precious blood of Jesus, we become the one who possess eternity in Jesus.

2. A young man’s death

When Jesus went to a town called Nain, Jesus saw a dead person carried out--the only son of his mother, and she was a widow. Jesus gave mercy on her and saved her son again from death. Likewise, Jesus comes to us when we lose our hope, allowing us to be saved. Once we meet Jesus, we enjoy our life with the power of the Holy Spirit rather than become depressed with limitations of ourselves. God allowed the miracle of splitting the Red Sea so that Israel people became the people living with the power of God. Crossing the Red Sea, Israel people realized the new identity in God. Therefore, we should realize how to live with the life of Jesus.

3. An adult’s death

Jesus asked Mary and Martha to take away the stone in front of the tomb where Nazarus had been buried for 4 days. The real faith is practiced with action instead of just saying that we believe with empty words. We cannot see the glory of God through knowledge and thoughts. God ordered Israel people to cross the Jordan river before entering Canaan. When they stepped on the river with strong waves, the river was split and they walked on the dried land under the water and cross the river. Experiencing the salvation of Passover and walking on the Red Sea being split, you can experience the amazing miracles of God in your life regardless of your situations by responding to the words of Jesus.