Faith creating miracle
(Mk 5:25-29)

When people face hardships, they depend on their power, knowledge and experience to go through their difficulties. However, the only way to overcome hardships is to meet Jesus when we are frustrated. We should depend on God, not relying on something vain in the world.

1. Woman looking for people

There was a woman suffering from having blooding for 12 years. Her body and mind were totally exhausted. This illness was considered illegal by law so she had to be isolated from her family. She went to see a skillful doctor, used good medicine but no one could cure her. Her deep despair symbolizes our images which are away from God. There is no solution if we are away from God. We should accept the suffering as the signs of God and come closer to God. Once we come before God, we are forgiven so that we can have new hope.

2. Woman coming to Jesus

The woman in frustration heard about Jesus who could cure any diseases. This news gave her a new hope. She had absolute hope to be healed even she only touched the cloak of Jesus. However, she had to go through a number of crowds surrounding Jesus. Even though she might overcome rebuking and scolding of people toward her because they thought she was illegal. However, she came before Jesus with strong faith. Likewise, when we try to come before God, there will be obstacles and stumbling blocks. However, we should overcome with strong faith in Jesus to experience the miracles. We need to march forward to Jesus absolutely positive faith.

3. Woman experiencing the miracle

When the woman touched the cloak of Jesus, she was free from the bleeding which had been 12 years. However, many people at that moment touched Jesus but the only one who could experience the miracle was the woman with faith. Miracle works through faith. Therefore, we should have absolute faith toward Jesus. Many people come to church but a few touch the cloak of Jesus with faith. Like this woman, we should have strong faith toward Jesus to experience the miracle of Jesus who can heal and restore us.