Little girl, Get up!"
(Mk. 5:35-43)

The core of Christianity is Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection. Therefore, we have faith of absolute thanksgiving and being positive in all circumstances. God doesn't work with someone negative. Once we are saved, we should give thanks to God daily and live a believer with positive faith.

1. Human beings who fall into despair

Jairus, the synagogue ruler was well respected and honored by people. However, there was nothing he could do when his daughter was being dead because of sickness. He put down his fame and reputation and knelt down before Jesus. We should pray hard before difficulties and troubles we cannot solve. Sometimes we feel troubled and frustrated if we don't have any answers. However, despair and frustration come from evil spirits. Answers of God will be late but there is not case that God doesn't answer us. God is listening to us all the time, giving answers to our prayers.

2. Jesus who is our absolute hope

When Jesus went to the house of the synagogue ruler, the news of his daughter being dead was heard. Even if we are depending on Jesus, the cases can be worse. However, we should not give up our faith and hold Jesus till the end. Jesus asks us to believe, not to be afraid. When we drive out fears and anxiety before our eyes, we can see almighty God completely. Jesus said that the daughter was not dead and she was asleep. At that moment, people laughed at him and Jesus put them all out of the house. When we experience of God, we should drive out all the negative thoughts and words out of our life. Be armed with absolute faith in God and experience the miracle of God.

3. Jesus who works miracles

Jesus took her by the hand and said to her, "Talitha koum!, which means, "Little girl, I say to you, get up!" . Jesus still says to us, "Get up from the moment of depression, troubles and death. Holding the words of Jesus with strong faith, we will see amazing miracles happening in our life. Also, Jesus asked to give some food to the girl. Jesus carrying out miracles fulfills our physical and spiritual needs when we live with faith. By being a man of faith with whom God is pleased, experience astonishing miracles of God in daily life.