Faith of a young Girl Brought a Miracle
(2Kings 5:1-3)

God uses faithful people. When we become the faithful people whom God wants to find, we will experience amazing miracles of God. According to today's scripture reading, we see the faith of a girl bringing about miracle to cure the disease that Naaman was suffered.

1. A young girl's mind

When the North Israel had war against Aram, there was a captive girl from Israel and she became a maid of the general Naaman. She lost her nation, family and hope but did not lose her faith in God. Being full of love toward God, she was humble and gentle. Therefore, she had pitiful on the general getting leprosy even though he was the general of enemies. Likewise, the love of God goes beyond nations and boundaries. We should restore humble and gentle heart to resemble the mind of Jesus.

2. The girl's faith

She had a strong faith that Elisha could cure her master's disease and told her mistress. Hearing the news, Naaman got permission from his king and went to Israel. However, the king of Northern Israel was afraid that Aram sent the general for wars. Even the highest person cannot become the center of miracle without faith in God. Therefore, we should see if we have strong faith in God and trust on God by becoming positive person regardless of situations.

3. Naaman's faith

He heard that he had to wash himself seven times in the Jordan. At first he was angry and wanted to go away because it was not what he had expected to cure his disease. Although there was no way to cure his disease, he couldn't put down his stubborn idea. Sometimes, we don't obey God just like Naaman. However, the miracle based of faith occurs through obedience. However, Naaman finally followed what he was recommended so that he could experience healing. When we obey God, we will experience the miracle of God.