Moses who had parents of faith
(Ex. 2:1-6)

The roles of parents greatly influence on how children have right personalities. When God protects the children, their life will be peaceful, even though they have difficulties in environments or in relationships. So teaching children to have faith in God is important.

1. The situation that Moses was born

When Joseph was the prime minister in Egypt, the 70 family members of Jacob moved into Egypt. God blessed them and the number of the people became 2million after 400 years. As time passed, the new king who didn't know about Joseph persecuted Israel people. The king sent them for great construction sites to make them work hard and decided to kill the newly born male babies. Although they are in troubles, the number of Israel people was increasing under the protection of God. Finally, Pharaoh, the king, ordered the Israel newly born male babies to be drowned to death into rivers. At this desperate moment, Moses was born.

2. Parents of faith

Moses’parents didn't follow the law and secretly raised Moses. As the boy grew, it was hard to hide him. They put the baby in the basket and sent him to the river. He was doomed to be dead but found by the daughter who was out to take a bath in the river and she was the daughter of Pharaoh. Therefore, Moses was saved to be alive. There are a lot of cases which we cannot solve in the world. However, God comes to our life and shows us his miracles to solve our problems. Raising children is same. We as faithful parents should not raise them with our humanly method but depend on God for Him to lead the ways of our children.

3. The providence of God

The elder sister of Moses, Miriam, recommended the princess to choose a nanny among Israel women. The princess accepted her proposal and called Moses birth mother, Yocheved as a nanny for him. Therefore, Moses was taught about faith in God through Yocheved. Moses, who was to be dead in the river, was found and rescued by the King's daughter. And he learned civilized cultures and higher education in the court of Pharaoh. It was amazing plan of God. Despites of our mistakes or bad intention of the world, God leads the lives of his children. Therefore, we should depend on God and live with absolutely positive faith and thanksgiving to God in all situations.