What Jesus had done
(Acts 10:38)

We should resemble Jesus and follow the way that Jesus had stepped, showing the victory of Jesus in our life. When we resemble Jesus, we can be free from sins and feel free and live to give glory to our God as the real disciples of Jesus.

1. Going together with the Holy Spirit

Jesus walked with the Holy Spirit in his life. Jesus was born through the Virgin Mary by the Holy Spirit. After being baptized, Jesus had 40-day fasting prayer led by the Holy Spirit. Also, the sacrifice on the cross was done with the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit for us. We cannot meet Jesus who became a human but we can welcome the Holy Spirit. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we can live a life to witness the name of Jesus when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

2. The powerful work of God

God gave the amazing power with the Holy Spirit to Jesus. There were amazing miracles of God in Jesus’ ministry. Jesus turned water into wine and changed the stormy sea into peaceful sea and fed thousands people with 5 loaves of bread and two fish. However, there are many Christians who cannot believe the power of Jesus, even though they say they believe in Jesus. To become powerful Christians, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Once we start to depend on human power to live as Christians, we can easily fall down and become negative. We should be filled with power of the Holy Spirit so that we could achieve the amazing miracle of God.

3. Doing good and healing the sick

Jesus conveyed the hopeful and comforting messages to many people when Jesus was alive. At that moment, priests, scribes and Pharisees didn't comfort and heal the people. Instead, they oppressed the people and judged people with the laws. However, Jesus came to the people who suffered from diseases and poverty, and healed their wounded heart. The most important thing to live as the disciples of Jesus is to practice love. We should not criticize and judge people who are vulnerable. Rather, we should share our things with people and serve them. When we take care of the sick and the poor with the love of God, the scent of Jesus will be spread through us and therefore, we will be praised before God and the people.