You will not suffer shame
(Isa. 54:4-5)

It's harder to deal with worries and anxiety in our hearts than to cope with practical problems in life. The hopeful and comforting message given to Southern Judah people is giving the same comfort and hope to us who have various heavy burden in our hearts.

1. Don't be afraid

God told the Southern Judah people not to be afraid. (Isa. 54:4a) It was clear that they felt worried about the mission that they would take instead of being happy when they would hear the restoring message through God for them. God doesn't want us to be afraid when God opens new days for us. Even though we have had many days with sorrows and hardships, God doesn't want us to be controlled by negative thoughts and feelings. Worries, anxiety and fear are paralyzing toxins hindering us from going forward. By praying hard, we should drive out fears, be joyful and be armed with positive faith in all times.

2. You will not suffer shame

God told the Southern Judah people not to suffer shame. (Isa. 54:4b) Israel people had 430-year slavery in Egypt when young and South Judah people had 70-year slavery in Babylon. The slavery was such a shame because they were chosen people of God. So they were afraid what if they would have had slavery again, even though God saved them out of slavery. So God promised that they would not be disgraced again. (Isa. 54:4 c) God doesn't allow us to have the same shame in our past. We should look at Jesus who had taken all the shames on the cross that we should take.

3. Your Maker is your husband

God told the South Judah people that God would be their husband.( Isa. 54:5) The bible compares the relationship between God and the people to that of husband and wife. However, the South Judah people became widowhood after having been judged because of their idolatry. However, the merciful God again promised to become their husband for them, which means blessed restoration of the relationship between God and them. We cannot live without God because we are formed like the images of God. By receiving Jesus as our Savior, we should restore the broken relationship with God so that we can experience real peace and recovery coming from God.