There was nothing harmful
(2Kings 4:38-41)

Various diseases have been spread due to toxins covering the world as the result of sins. Many people have lost their lives. However, Jesus can set us free from all kinds of toxins destroying our spirits, souls and bodies and leading people to death

1. A Famine broke forth

Frustration of people deepened because of attacks caused by other tribes and famine. We have famine in our life. We should not complain, grumble and be frustrated during the time of famine in our life. Rather, we should realize the will of God when we are in trouble. There are no troubles without the will of God. The famine of Israel was because of the sins of idolatry. The idols are the things that we love more than God. Those idols bring about judgment of God and make our lives dried. However, when we get rid of the idols in our life and repent thoroughly, we can experience forgiveness of God and be restored in God.

2. Food containing poison

A servant of Elisha went out into the fields to gather herbs and found a wild vine to make stew for the disciples. As they began to eat it, they cried out that there was death in the pot.(2Kings 4:39-40) The servant didn't notice death in the pot before and the disciples were busy in eating. As we are spiritual ones, we feel hungry spiritually. However, we should not accept toxic and heretic cultures of the world to satisfy their spiritual hunger because those things paralyze our faith and make our spirits ill. We should be fed by the word of God which is pure and holy and should be spiritually awakened so that we can discern and avoid all kinds of toxins in the world as well as not be addicted from them.

3. Jesus as our problem solver

Elisha asked to bring some flour and put it into the pot. Then, there was nothing harmful in the pot. (2Kings 4:41) The servant didn't know about the poison in the herbs and the disciples were terrified because of toxins in the pot. However, Elisha wasn't in panic and solved the trouble calmly. Some are trouble makers and others are terrified by the troubles. A few can try out to solve the troubles. In Jesus Christ and His Word we have the answer to various problems. Only Jesus can remove poisons in the world because Jesus can solve the matter of sins, the roots of toxins. Therefore, people who come before Jesus can get the solution of the troubles and find peace.