Jesus who overcame temptation
(Matt. 4:3-10)

In the world, there are series of hardships and adversities. If there were a place without troubles, it would be a tomb. Jesus went through various hardships in this world during his life. We should think spiritual lessons through the story of Jesus where Jesus got three temptations by the devil.

1. The temptation of money

After 40 days of fasting, the devil came to Jesus to ask to change stones into bread for filling his huger. Jesus was equal to God but he became a man. The word of the devil was a big temptation as Jesus felt hungry. However, Jesus refused to do so. Jesus chose to live with the Word of God instead of taking in the physical bread. The bread filling our physical hunger will disappear and be rotten eventually. As children of God, we should desire to be fed by the Word of God, the eternal bread for our souls. We should meditate the Word of God every day and keep it in our hearts to act as what God asks us to do. The word of God will become the beacon of our life, leading us to the way of life.

2. The temptation of fame

The devil tested Jesus with the fame and popularity of the world. People in the world seek for honor, fortune, fame and popularity of the world. Even people throw their lives because of fame and reputation in the world. Sometimes we use God to be high in the world. However, Jesus overcame the temptation of fame by depending on the Word of God. Jesus did not take advantage of the name of God to become high. Rather, Jesus gave glory to God through his good deeds. We should follow the steps of Jesus because we become children of God thanks to the grace of God. We should lift the name of God, not testing God by being enraptured with our own glory.

3. Spiritual temptation

Lastly, the devil tested Jesus spiritually. The devil asked Jesus to bow down then he would give Jesus all the kingdoms of the world. The core of this temptation is to be a king in one's life instead of accepting God as the master of one's life. The same test went for Adam and Even. They were tempted by the devil and ate the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil so that they were driven out of the Eden. However, Jesus gained victory from the test with depending on the Word of God. As Jesus obeyed God completely, Jesus became the High above all names. Once we lift ourselves with selfish ways, we will be easily tested by spiritual temptations and fall prey to Satan. However, we will be blessed to become honored through God when we worship God as the High and live a Cross-centered and God-oriented life.