Who do you say I am?
(Matt. 16:13-16)

The most incredible thing in the world is to believe in Jesus and become the children of God. Jesus is only hope to us and the way for salvation. Therefore, we should know clearly who Jesus is.

1. John the Baptist ??Jesus whom we meet in the baptism

John, the Baptist prepared the way for Jesus to come by baptizing. He was a great prophet but not a savior. However, if we stay at the stage that we just realize our sins and repent them, we might regard Jesus as a baptist like John, the Baptist not a holistic savior to save our soul, spirit and body. We should know Jesus deeper by being filled with the Word of God, prayer and the Holy Spirit. We should become a mature Christian which means we should live a God- centered life by getting rid of self-centered life.

2. Elijah ??Jesus whom we meet in miracles

Elijah was a powerful prophet to bring about various miracles. Seeing many miracles Jesus had made, some people mistook Jesus as Elisha. Jesus is son of God with amazing power. Therefore, our problems will be solved when we come before Jesus with positive faith. However, if we only wish to have miracles, our faith changes into selfish faith. If we experience the miracles of Jesus, we should share them with sincere love and service for others.

3. Jeremiah ??Jesus whom we meet in suffering

Jeremiah was known as a prophet of tears. He proclaimed the Judah should repent sins and come to God. However, people ignored what he said and despised him. Jesus came to us to save us but Jesus was ignored and suffered on the cross. When we look at Jesus who was suffered for us, we can get courage and comfort. Look at Jesus who gives us peace rather than being filled with anxiety and worries so that we can become the man of faith with absolute gratitude.

4. Christ ??Jesus whom we meet as savior

When Jesus asked his disciples who they said Jesus was. Peter answered, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God." We should confess that Jesus is our savior at any circumstances. We become the servant of kingdom of God and powerful man of faith to lead many people to God when we have clearly faithful confession in Jesus. When we welcome Jesus as the savior of our life, our problem will be solved and we see blessed fruits in our life.