You have great faith
(Matt. 15:21-28)

After we believe in Jesus, we get spiritual salvation and we are set free from all kinds of curses binding our souls and bodies. People coming to Jesus with great faith have been healed and received true freedom. We should become the people of faith who will experience miracles when we come to Jesus.

1. A woman who came to Jesus for her daughter

When Jesus went to the region of Tyre and Sidon, A Canaanite woman from that vicinity came to him and cried out because her daughter was suffering terribly from demon-possession. And she heard that Jesus could heal diseases. When we have troubles, we should come to Jesus. Jesus can heal and restore us. When we cry out before Jesus truly, Jesus will listen to us and give us answers.

2. Jesus who tested her faith

Jesus turned away from her crying out for help. However, the woman didn't give up and continued crying out. Then, Jesus said that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Then, she came and knelt before him. He replied, "It is not right to take the children's bread and toss it to their dogs." Jesus refused with harsh words. However, she didn't give up again and asking mercy of Jesus. Sometimes our prayers are not answered quickly and the situations can be worse. Our mind will be covered with doubts and uncertainties. However, we should be patient and endure till the end with depending on God so that we can experience amazing miracles of God.

3. A woman who experienced a miracle

When Jesus ignored what she asked harshly, she held Jesus with positive faith. She humbly asked Jesus to give her mercy. Finally, Jesus said that she had a great faith and healed her daughter. To experience a miracle of Jesus, we should humbly accept Jesus as our King and have great unfailing faith before any tests and temptations. Don't keep self-confidence ahead and take everything to Jesus humbly. Then ask, seek and knock to find out the mercy of Jesus. The door of answers will be open when we have positive faith before Jesus.