I will awaken the dawn
(Ps. 57:6-11)

David had a lot of hardships during his life time. However, his faith was not shaken and depended on God with his all heart so that he was praised by God. With unfailing faith, we should be praised by God just like David was.

1. God who judges my enemies

We face various enemies who give us a lot of troubles. Harder we live to become honest, the more enemies attack us, driving us to feel harder. At that moment, we should hold God tightly. Even the enemies try harder to fall us down, their attempts will be vain when God doesn't allow. Sometimes it seems that bad men live better while good men go through tougher troubles. However, the evil men's blessings will be shortcut to self- destruction while the troubles of the good men will be prelude of blessings. Don't complain because of your enemies. God will judge them on his right time and save the righteous people.

2. A person of an unshakable faith

When David was driven to barren dessert and had to live in a cave miserably, he didn't complain God. Rather he praised God. The reason he praised God in his hardships was that he had unshaken faith that God would lead him all the times. If our faith is shaken according to our circumstances, we should check where we put our standards of our faith. If we value on the world where everything changes quickly, we cannot enjoy real peace. Accepting God on our center of our hearts who has unfailing love, we should have strong faith so that we can enjoy peace which the world cannot give us.

3. Faith awakening the dawn

When we have troubles that we cannot bear, we feel dark and depressed, which makes our soul fall asleep. Then, we cannot see God and depend on the world with our physical eyes. Therefore, we should awaken our soul fell asleep with prayer and giving thanks. When we pray, God will meet us and give us strength to overcome troubles. When we accept Jesus who has absolute hope, we can give thanks and be happy regardless of our situations. Eventually, we should give glory to God who has enormous grace to us. By being armed with strong faith to awaken the dawn, we should give glory to God and be praised by God.