Take courage! It is I
(Matt. 14:23-32)

Faithful life in Jesus means we should be with Jesus all the times. Facing problems in life is because we are away from Jesus. When we look at Jesus who can control the waves in our life, we can have victory with faith.

1. Jesus praying in solitude

Jesus fed about 20,000 people including 5,000 men, women and children through five loaves of bread and two fish. This miracle led people to be amazed at Jesus and Jesus became popular. However, Jesus went to a mountain alone to pray behind his popularity. We also have popularity and fame but if we are too much absorbed to one's success, we might be fallen down when we meet unexpected difficulties of life. We should focus on Jesus rather than popularity, fame and honor. By praying we should be accompanied with Jesus and give glory to God.

2. The disciples facing a storm

The disciples met the waves crossing the Sea of Galilee without praying Jesus together. Likewise, we also run across mountain-like problems which we cannot deal with. Then, we should not complain why God doesn't help us. Instead, we should see if we are away from Jesus. We should return Jesus when we have adversities. We cannot go forward the waves by ourselves. However, when we can come to Jesus again, the way for life will be open. God will help us and restore us when we humbly come before God, not being frustrated even if we meet problems and hardships.

3. Jesus walking on the water

During the fourth watch at night, which is 3 to 6 am, Jesus came to his disciples. They were totally exhausted to fight against the waves. When they were about to give up, something like a human approached them on the water. They thought it was a ghost. However, it was Jesus who came to them to save them. When we put down human methods to overcome our problems, Jesus will help us. Don't be doubtful. Jesus can help us beyond our thoughts and ways. The biggest obstacle to solve difficulties is our small faith. Depend on Jesus by being positive absolutely. May God bless you to be with Jesus in your voyage of life with joy and thanksgiving.