You alone are God
(2Kings 19:14-19)

Prayers are the secrets to receive blessings God has prepared for us because we can communicate with God through prayers. We can get help by telling our difficulties and hardships before God through prayers.

1. Slander and threat by Assyria

Encircling the Jerusalem with his soldiers, the king of Assyria, Sennacherib wrote a threatening letter to Hezekiah. The letter told that God couldn't protect the Southern Judah, so asked not to depend on God. The words and situations before the eyes of Hezekiah were so negative and depressing. Likewise, we may face these frustrating moments in our lifetime. However, we should keep our hearts strong when we meet negative moments. Don't be frustrated with the negative words. Don't be depressed with current difficulties in reality. Once we keep our hearts strong and obey God, we can live a positive life that God allows us.

2. Hezekiah’s prayer

At the risky moment, Hezekiah depended on God and went to the temple to pray. We meet limitations when we solve the problems. We should look at God who is almighty. Jesus prayed hard at night before he would be crucified. He didn't deny the problem. Rather Jesus prayed and took the cross. David lived his life with prayers. We should become the man of prayers like Jesus and David. When we put down our ways and ego by praying before God, we can enjoy the amazing grace of God.

3. God who performs a thing to be done

When Hezekiah prayed hard, trusting on almighty God, God worked for the King. God is not standing idly by being far away. God comes to comfort us and give answers for us to solve problems. God achieved amazing work for Hezekiah. On the night when his prayers were answered, 185,000 Assyrian soldiers were killed by the angel of the LORD. So Sennacherib king of Assyria broke camp and withdrew. After returning to Nineveh, he was killed. Give glory to God by looking at what God is doing. Depending on God completely, don’t be afraid at any situation. God will achieve amazing salvation.