Doing what is right in the eyes of the LORD
(2 Kings 22:2, 23:1-3)

If he or she is very sensitive to what others say and think but not sensitive to what God says and thinks, he or she goes to the wrong way. The true Christians should desire to be acknowledged by God instead of being acknowledged by people.

1. The reformation through the word of God

During the time when people lived by one's will, ignoring the words of God, Josiah became the king of south Judah. He truly repented his sins before the words of God and transformed the nations with the standards of the words of God. Just like the king reformed the nation based on the word of God, we should restore our life by the word of God. Put down the sins loving money more, hating and not forgiving each other. The blessed man has God-centered life in the eyes of God. When we live on the words of God, we will be restored and blessed in our life.

2. The reformation of worship

Judah people away from God were so obsessed to idolatry. Josiah completely got rid of idolatry and restored the holiness of worship. However, many Korean churches become sick because of idolatry of power and material things. To establish Korean churches righteously, we need the right view to see material things. The offered money to God should be managed and used by the words of God. Also church staffs should not be in the place to be served. Rather, they are to serve to others. To do this, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the churches are filled with the Holy Spirit with prayers and words, God will be pleased with our worship.

3. The reformation of life

Josiah reformed the ways of individual people, family and society by getting rid of deeply rooted idolatry. We cannot be perfectly transformed by just coming to church, praising God and offering money to God. We also should transform ourselves out of church. The real transformation starts out of church. We should be seen as children of God and disciples of Jesus to eyes of other people in the world. Therefore, Christians should become the light to shine the darkness of the word and the salt in the world. When we start to resemble Jesus, the world becomes the place like heaven.