God who satisfies us
(Ps. 107:4-9)

It's blessing for us to meet good protector in our lifetime. In that mean, our blessing starts when we meet God. Our good God knows our problems and satisfies us with good things for our life.

1. Life going astray

It's hard to find water to drink and food to eat in a desert. And there is huge daily temperature range recording 50 degree Celsius difference between day and night. It's very dangerous to be lost in a desert. Our life seems to be in a desert without God because we cannot solve the problems of sins. Therefore, we should come before God when troubles come to us. God will be our strong shelter to cover the scorching sun in the desert of life and drive out the coldness of night. However, the way to lead to God is in Jesus. Holding Jesus in our life gives us shining dawn by ending dark wander in the life.

2. Life crying out to God

When we are in the darkness of life, we should not be frustrated. Even the darkness of night becomes longer and darker, we should cry out to receive help of God to drive out darkness and to meet dawn of blessing. Paul and Sila were imprisoned due to preaching the gospel. However, they prayed in that night of trouble and praised God. Then, God rescued them and spread the gospel to the family of the prison officer. Pray hard in the tough times. Then, you will experience the grace changing troubles into blessings through your hard prayers.

3. Life being filled with good things by God

God knows our problems and needs. God came to Abraham who was disappointed with not having any children. God promised to him that God would make him become the father of many nations. When he held the word of God with faith, he was able to get his own son, Isaac. When we come to God with faith, God comes to us and achieve our dreams. Don't be doubtful about abundance of God because of your negative situations. God will become good father to us who believes in Jesus. When we ask God who is our father, God will satisfies us with good things. Therefore, we should not be suspicious of grace of God and comes to God with absolutely giving thanks to God to enjoy abundant grace of God.