The Lord is With Me
(Ps). 118:5-7

Sucess or failure of our life is shaped by how we respond to tribulations of life. The most important thing is not to be frustrated by difficulties and to choose to keep our heart strong with absolutely positive faith. We should have successful life with holding Jesus who is absolute hope.

1. Faith crying out

Adversities of our life give us signs to pray hard. When we are in troubles, we should put down our arrogance and cry out before God and God listens to us to give us answers. Even we have sins , God will accept and help us once we repent our sins. Therefore, we should confess our situations and weaknesses before the Lord. God is pleased with our prayers. Don't give up praying hard even the answers of God are late to be arrived to us. Until we receive the answers of God, we should be persistently praying hard. God will give us his amazingly unexpected answers on his time.

2. God who helps us
We should stand beside God to receive the help of God. With the same heart of God and obeying God as man of God, we experience God who is working for us. With God, nothing terrifies us. As soon as the Israelites escaped from Egypt, they met the red sea before them and Pharaoh's soldiers behind them. It was frustrating moments for them. There was no way out for them to see with human eyes. However, God showed them the miracle splitting the sea for them to walk through to avoid the enemies. The help of God is beyond our ways. Therefore, we can be peaceful even we have various problems once we are with God.

3. Faith depending on God
When we have terrifying hardships and ordeals, we should depend on God rather than on humans. Even people are wise, we are just creatures by God. Therefore, we should hold God who has limitless power and infinite wisdom. However, we should get acquainted day by day to depend on God immediately when we face hardships of life. Even a huge mountain seems to be a smaller than a small stone when we see it in a far distance. Once we are away from God and familiar with the world, we regard the ways of the world better than those of God thereby choosing the wrong way. Therefore, come closely to God every day. With holding the powerful hands of God, we can have victorious life.