When you believe
(Acts. 19:1-10)

The key to successfully live a faithful life is to be filled with the Holy Spirit. After believing in Jesus but not being filled with the Holy Spirit, we cannot overcome temptations and tests of the world. However, we can have victorious life once we accept the Holy Spirit because the Holy Spirit teaches us and gives us strength.

1. Life being filled with the Holy Spirit
Paul met the faithful Christian community in Ephesus where people already accepted Jesus as their savior. Even though they believed in Jesus, they didn't have knowledge on the Holy Spirit. So they didn't experience spiritual revival and had powerless life. To have victorious life as children of God, overcoming tests and temptations of the world, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. Once the Holy Spirit comes to us, the inner person with greed, anxiety and worry will disappear so that we can worship God with joy and thanks. Once the Holy Spirit comes, the churches and families are restored as well as individuals are revived. We should be used as the witnesses of the Gospel by being filled with the Holy Spirit every day.

2. Life centered around Jesus
When Paul placed his hands on the people in Ephesus, the Holy Spirit came on them. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Jesus. Therefore, the Holy Spirit seeks for the glory of Jesus and witnesses Jesus. Once we receive the Holy Spirit, we can become the witnesses in any moments. The Holy Spirit leads us to Jesus who is truth and helps us know Jesus and love more. When we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we have the spiritual fruits and gifts. The Spiritual gifts are the power of God and the fruits of the Holy Spirit are the personalities of Jesus. The more we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the more we resemble Jesus.

3. Life bearing fruit by the word of God
Ephesus was a cultural city with many religious through trades because diverse ethnic people came to the city for international trade. Especially, magic was spreading and deceiving people. When Paul spread the Gospel at Tyrannus for 2 years, diseases were healed and demons were driven out by the power of the Holy Spirit. People experiencing the power of the Holy Spirit came to Jesus and repent their sins and burnt their magic books to get rid of their wrong life. When the word of God was spread through the power of the Holy Spirit, the city of magic turned into the city of the Gospel. The work of the Holy Spirit changes the destiny of a person, churches and countries. By being filled with the Holy Spirit, become the leader of writing another chapter of Act 29.