The Kingdom of God
(Rom. 14:17??8)

Jesus came to this world to spread the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is where God is king and reigns. When we accept God as our king and we can live with real peace and joy.

1. The Kingdom where the presence of the Holy Spirit is

The Kingdom of God is not visible world where we can eat and drink, grabbing some physical things. Rather it belongs to the spiritual world. Once the Holy Spirit controls our minds, our minds become the kingdom of God. Once the Holy Spirit reigns a family, the family becomes the Kingdom of God. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of creation. Once the Holy Spirit comes, power of sins is driven out while the kingdom of God comes. The world full of chaos and emptiness turned into the beautiful world when the Holy Spirit worked with the Word of God. Our life in measurable place will turn into a hopeful and satisfied life once the Holy Spirit works in our life.

2. The Kingdom where righteousness, peace and joy overflow

The citizens of the kingdom of God show the three characteristics. The first is righteousness. The Holy Spirit comes to lead us to accept Jesus as our savior. Then The Holy Spirit guides us to live with the ways of God not with the means of the world. The second is peace. The deeper the relationship with the Holy Spirit becomes, the more peace we have. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are not shaken by any situations. The third is joy. The joy of the children of God is not emotional and temporary because it is based on the eternal hope stemmed from God. When the Holy Spirit gives us the heavenly hope, we can be joyful even in troubles and adversities.

3. The Kingdom where Christ is served

The people of the kingdom of God should live as servants who serve Jesus. One of the representative ways to serve Jesus is to worship Jesus. Worship service focusing too much on the fixed forms and rules are not sincere. Instead, we should worship the Lord with truth and sincerity. Also, we should serve churches which become the body of Jesus. To do this, we can use our talents and material things allowed by Jesus in order to make our church become strengthened in God. The servants of God should serve and share necessary things with each other. We should not fight against each other because of small matters. Rather we should love and encourage each other. When we serve Jesus as the servants, we finally receive the blessing of becoming joy of God and being acknowledged by the people in the world.