The Power of the Cross
1 Cor. 1:18, 2:2

The most important thing in faithful life is the cross of Jesus. Thanks to the cross of Jesus, we are saved enough to have a new life. Therefore, we should give thanks to grace of the cross.

1. The Power of salvation

Jesus accomplished salvation for us through the cross which has been seen powerless and foolish by the people in the world. The root of human life belongs to God. However, the sins committed by Adam and Eve broke the relationship between God and humans. However, Jesus opened the new way to reconcile with God on the cross. As a result, the power of the cross makes it possible for us to come into God's presence. Once we believe in the cross of Jesus, we are set free from sins and frustrations so that we can enjoy blessings and life.

2. The Power of the forgiveness of sins

People don't have any power to solve the matters of sins. All humans miserably are born in sins and live with sins and die because of sins. However, Jesus forgave the sins of past, present and future at once forever. We have nothing to do save ourselves because Jesus had accomplished everything on the cross. What we have to do is just to believe in the cross of Jesus. With holding the cross with faith, we are filled with grace of forgiveness and holy blessings.

3. The Power of healing

The root cause of diseases in the world is originated from sins. However, Jesus solved the matter of sins on the cross. Now, we can experience of divine healing of God through the cross. Jesus has already healed our spiritual, mental and physical diseases by his wounds. By looking at Jesus on the cross and praying with the name of Jesus, we can experience amazing miracle of being healed.

4. The Power of evangelism

We have experienced amazing grace through the cross. Remembering grace of the cross and giving thanks to Jesus, we should spread the cross of Jesus. Apostle Paul had lots of things to be boastful in the world. However, he had a life only to be proud of Jesus after he met Jesus who came to him as light. The only thing that we should be proud of in our life is the cross of Jesus. With holding the cross with Jesus, we should have victory until Jesus comes again.