Life of giving thanks to the Lord?셲 Mercy
(1Ti) 1:12??5

Whatever we meet in our life, we should give thanks to God because we are already saved by the grace of the cross which we cannot pay back. Giving thanks to God is the fruit produced by the faith of the cross. We should meditate the cross every day to give abundant thanks.

1. Lord who made me who I am

Paul previously had self-centered faith. He had a faith based on knowledge so he didn't realize the Lord, Jesus Christ. He became a critics persecuting and bothering many Christians as well as violent abuser. However, he totally changed when Jesus met him and he turned a great disciple of Gospel. Before we met Jesus, we didn't know the purpose and direction of life, wandering in life. However, once we are called as the children of God, we are also given power to take the mission coming from the Lord. Therefore, giving thanks to God?셲 mercy by which we became what we are, we should live a life giving glory to God.

2. The Lord who showed me great mercy

People try to live with their abilities and conditions. However, Christians live with abundant grace of God. The Canaan where Israel people were given as holy inheritance was the place to live with the grace. Different from Egypt where people had to cultivate the land with human labor, people couldn't cultivate the land of Canaan when God didn't allow them to have rain. People without experiencing the grace of God don't grow their faith. They like to cultivate their lands with worrying about when rain comes or when rain stops. However, people who have experienced the grace of God abundantly don't have to worry about when rain comes and when rain stops because they depend on God. However, God asks people who have had abundant grace of God to do something. That is love toward God and neighbors. We should share the love and grace of God with our neighbors.

3. The incalculable grace of the Lord

The greatest grace that we receive is the grace of the cross. Jesus was sacrificed on the cross and saved us when we had to be dead because of our sins. We don't have any power to pay back to the grace. Luckily, God doesn't expect us to pay back. Rather, God wants us to respond to the grace. Instead of coming to God with duty and guilty feeling, we should come to God with love and thanks. Now, what we can do is the alter of giving thanks instead of alter to sins. God forgave us who were the most sinners. We should show our response with giving thanks all our life.