It is time to pray
(Jer. 33:1??)

The biggest blessings we receive are words of God and prayer. The words of God are blessings coming from heaven of God, while prayers are blessings to lead us to God. We should not be depressed due to the problems of life. Rather, we should pray with the words of God to receive hopeful answers of God in our life.

1. Jeremiah being put behind bars

Jeremiah was in despair. South Judah walked into self-destruction because of their sins. No one listened to the message asking for repentance which Jeremiah proclaimed. As it becomes worse, Jeremiah was confined in the courtyard. This scene is very similar to our situation. There are no sources of hopeful news around us. However, we should pay attention to Jeremiah who received the words of God when he was in the prison. Even we are in extremely difficult situation, we can overcome it once the words of God come to us. While we live in the troubled times, we should hold the words of God to receive amazing blessings of God.

2. God who makes a thing to be done

God guaranteed his promise with his name for Jeremiah. People who cannot trust the words of God will not have any helps from God, while people with faith on the words of God will experience the miracles done by God. God whom we believe in is Almighty God who can controls the universe. God planed, proceeded and achieved deliverance of Israelites out of Egypt. God trained Moses and poured 10 disasters to Egypt to rescue Israel people. Furthermore, God split the red sea to make the Egyptian soldiers drowned. The same goes to our life. We didn't do anything to be saved. God loved, forgave and saved us. We should take everything to God and trust God by giving thanks to God.

3. Faith crying out to the Lord

God asked Jeremiah to pray when he was in troubles. Praying is order of God. Don't give up praying hard, even though you can't get answers easily. God's answers come to us when it is the best time according to God's will. God asks us to cry out. Pray should not become perfunctory with sense of obligation. We should be sincere. Pray is the key to open the storage of heaven. When we pray, God listens to us and answers to us. God's answers are bigger than our thoughts. Put down the burdens of sins and worries. With giving thanks and praises, pray before God.