Thanksgiving and praise
(Ps. 107:19??2)

Christians should live a life of thanksgiving and praise. When we have good days, we should give thanks to grace of God. Although we have bad days, we can give thanks to God, believing that God will help us. Be blessed amazingly through confessions of giving thanks to please God.

1. Thanking God for His saving us out of our sufferings

Israel had a lot of sufferings in the history. However, God didn't forsake them. Whenever they cried out, God helped them with amazing miracles. Today, God is also reaching his hands to help and save us. When we call out to God with sincerely repenting and praising, God listens to us to give us his answers. When Paul and Silas were in the prison, they praised the Lord with thankfulness and the door was open by God through earthquake. When Daniel gave thanks to God, he was protected even in the den of the lion. When we are suffering, we should thank God and praise to meet God of salvation.

2. Thanking God for His sending His word to heal us

God works through His words. The words of God have amazing power. God created heaven and earth with his words. When the words of God came, the darkness was driven out and the light appeared. Chaos was gone and orders came. We should pray for God to work with his words for us. The words of God were achieved by Jesus perfectly. Jesus is the living words of God as a human being. By taking the cross to save us who had to be dead due to sins, Jesus gave us healing, freedom and life. We should meditate and obey the words of God to come closer to Jesus every day.

3. Thanking God for His lovingkindness and wondrs

God whom we believe in is God of Love. Sinful humans became the enemies of God. They lived concentrating on their greeds rather than the words of God. However, God forgave and loved us first. God proved his love by sending Jesus to us. Incarnation of Jesus is the amazing miracle. The son of God came to us to give himself as a ransom to save us. What we should do in return for the grace of God is to give thanks to God. What God wants us to do is not money and humanly labors but worships of giving thanks. We should live a life of overflowing thankfulness to give glory to God.