The good fight of the faith
(1 Tim. 6:11??2)

We all are called as men of God. The men of God refer to the greatest and honorable title given to people very faithful such as Moses, David, Samuel, which means we belong to God. We should obey God with faith and obedience as we are loved and recognized by God.

1. Things to flee from

We should avoid doing what God doesn't want us to do. Firstly, we should get rid of arrogance. We should obey Almighty God humbly. Secondly, we should avoid combativeness, the love of controversy. We should not cause conflicts with humanly thoughts and different opinions. Rather, we should be united by the Holy Spirit. Lastly, we should be away from avarice, greed, the love of money based on material things, which drive us away from faith and enable us to take advantage of heavenly work of God for our interests. We should use money from God wisely according to God's will so that God will allow us to have bigger blessings.

2. Things to pursue

The Apostle, Paul tells us about six virtues to follow as the servants of God. First, we should live righteously. Righteousness is given to those who believe in Jesus as gift. We should keep the precious gift from God not to regard it meaningless. Second, we should live with godliness. Being godly needs spiritual exercise. By meditating the word of God and praying constantly, our spirits can be healthier day by day. Third, we should live with loyalty to God. We should entirely trust on God who is with us and gives the best things to us. Fourth, we should live with love. We should practice love shown by Jesus based on foreignness and sacrifice. Fifth, we should live with endurance. Our faith will grow through endurance and we can live to please God. Sixth, we should live with gentleness. We should embrace the frustrated people in the world just like Jesus did with gentle mind.

3. Things to fight

Faithful life in Jesus means we should have spiritual fights constantly. To follow Jesus, we should give up unjustifiable benefits and put down the ways of the world. To win the spiritual fights, we need the help of the Holy Spirit. Our old inner persons are dead when we believe in Jesus. Believing the fact, we should give our thrones of hearts to Jesus. By putting off the old person accustomed to sins and frustrations, we should put on the new person created with righteousness and holiness by the Holy Spirit. When we march with the Holy Spirit, our fight of the faith will end with victory in the end.