I will put a new Spirit in you
(Ezra. 36:24??7)

Israel people were given special love and care from God but they constantly betrayed God, worshipping idols so that they are judged by God. However God didn't turn away from them and changed them into people of God.

1. God saving from despair

Israel people were judged because they turned away from God and worshipped idols. They had 70-year slavery life and lost hope for their future completely. However, God didn't forsake them. God proclaimed a new hope through prayers and allowed them to become the children of God again. People who pray can experience salvation of God however desperate situation they may be in. When we pray, God comes to us directly and lead us to the door of salvation. Depending on Jesus, our savior, we can experience grace of salvation in any circumstances.

2. God who cleanses us from all our impurities

Sprinkling fresh water is the scene we can see when Jewish people have purifying ceremony. Unlawful people by the law couldn't come to God before they had purifying ceremony. To be used by God, we should be purified all the time. We should wash away our sins by the word of God. Washing away sinful things by water leads to baptism. Baptism is not just washing our body with water but just washing our minds. To wash our hearts not just our body, we need the precious blood of Jesus. By depending on the precious blood of Jesus day by day, we can be purified from the all the impurities and be used by God preciously.

3. God who gives the Holy Spirit to us

After we repent and are forgiven, the temptations from sins are not away as we have the nature of sins. So we don't have any power to overcome the temptations from sins. Therefore, we should receive the Holy Spirit. God will change us completely through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit gets rid of our hardened minds and put a soften hearts. By being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can obey God with joy and thanks. Also, people filled with the Holy Spirit will love and resemble Jesus more and more through the word of God. I pray that you be filled with the Holy Spirit so that you can joy blessings from God.