In the beginning was the Word
(John 1:1??)

Gospel is a good news. The good news among good news is that Jesus came for us. Jesus gave hope and joy to all the people. We should meet Jesus who becomes our good news.

1. Jesus who came to the world as the Word

Jesus is God who was the Word at the beginning. The word of God is good and unchangeable. The will of God is shown as incarnated Jesus. Jesus came to the world to solve our matters of sins and pains so that He gave us real freedom and peace. With our physical eyes and ears, we cannot see the face of Jesus neither can listen to the voice of Jesus, who ascended to the throne next to God 2000 years ago. However, we can live a changed life when our eyes and ears are opened spiritually. Let us experience miracles with walking along with Jesus on the Word.

2. Jesus who came to the world as the creator

Jesus worked with God and the Holy Spirit in the Creation at the beginning. Nothing is born unexpectedly. Everything came from Jesus and was created for Jesus. The purpose of our life is to live for Jesus. When we deny ourselves and live for Jesus, Jesus helps our life and allows us to be satisfied. When we live with our creator, we face the works of creation at every moment. We can get out of sins, pains and troubles so that we enjoy righteousness and peace. The keys to various problems lie in Jesus. Let us achieve creative works every day with Jesus.

3. Jesus who came to the world as the light of life

Jesus came as light of life to the world. Once we believe in Jesus, we are able to enjoy eternal blessings. Believing in Jesus doesn't mean that we know Jesus, rather should welcome Jesus in our life. Building profound relationship with Jesus is real faith. Jesus wanted to share the relationships based on love but the world didn't accept Jesus. People lost the spiritual ability to see Jesus because of sins. By Jesus??atoning for our sins on the cross, we can be able to see Jesus again. Now, I hope that you live as children of God and blessed life by accepting Jesus as your personal savior. Furthermore, let us become the small light of the world to spread the light of Jesus all over the world.