March forward with faith
(Heb. 11:6)

The New Year, 2017 is now started thanks to God. With this New Year, we have various New Year’s resolution but it's more important to strengthen our faith strongly. Let us hold the Word of God with being filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to march forward with faith which serves God alone.

1. Dram a sacred dream in the Lord

Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. With physical eyes, there is nothing to see but we see our dreams coming true with spiritual eyes. Therefore, we can live today with dream for tomorrow. When we look at splendid dream of future, we can get strength to overcome the troubles of today. Also, people with dream change their words and behaviors as they dream. Your dream that you have now leads your today. With holding dream God gives to you, live with faith. God will work amazingly through you and your dream.

2. Become a person to be acknowledged by God

Christians should seek for the will of God whatever they do and live for a life to please God. When we live to seek for the glory and joy of God, we are blessed to have miracles. We should exert our best efforts to be acknowledged by God instead of being praised by humans. We are created for the glory of God. By putting our stubborn and selfish egos before God, we should focus on the glory of God with whole hearts. Let us live to please God in this New Year.

3. Experience the God who rewards us

Faith entirely depends on a living God. Faithful people live with the power of God not with their knowledge and wisdom. Therefore, we should experience the living God. We are able to meet God through Jesus Christ who came to us 2,000 years ago to heal the sick and wounded. Jesus is still working for us among us. Jesus turns despair into hope. When we live in Jesus, we can achieve holy dream in the land while we are awarded greatly in heaven. In the New Year, let us live with God-pleasing faith. Let us have absolute faith which confesses that God will achieve so that we can see our holy dream being achieved.