Press on toward the Goal
(Phil. 3:12-14)

Starting a new year, people plan to do new things. However, people give up sticking to their New Year's resolutions without a few days. Christians should have different attitude. We should achieve the holy dream in Jesus to give glory to God.

1. The past taking hold on us
People are obsessed with sins and failures of the past. However, the past has gone and it cannot be turned back. Once we meet Jesus, we can break the past full of sins and failures so that we can live for tomorrow hopefully. When we believe in Jesus, we can get rid of the old self committed sins and be transformed a new creature. Faith enables us not to turn back, depending on God to march forward. Don't stick to the past. Get out of your past. Nail your negative self-image on the cross. March forward your hopeful future with Jesus.

2. A life pressing on toward the goal
We should have dreams. People are eager to have money, fame and pleasure. These desires are in vain. Christians should have holy dreams coming from God. Once we remain in that faith, our dream will come true. Also, the dream given by God has eternal value which will not disappear soon. Pray with your holy dreams. Then, you can overcome your problems whatever they are. Have strong faith that your dream in God will come true. Even our physical eyes cannot see, the dreams will have come true in the kingdom of God.

3. Our eternal hope, Jesus Christ
People pressing on the goals driven by God will be awarded. By accepting Jesus in our heart, we can march forward with faith. Paul gave up his reputations and became the apostle of the gentiles to gain Christ and to be found in Him becomes our eternal hope. Even we lose everything, we will live successful life with holding Jesus. Therefore, we should live a life focusing on Jesus. Our inner being should resemble Jesus and our outer being should spread the name of Jesus. Let us not compromise with sins and avarice. Rather, we should become the children of God to make God satisfied.